Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of School!

I honestly can't believe I am typing the words "first day of school."  Oh how fast the years pass.

Jordan started Pre-K at my school this week.....which is a blessing but still unbelievable.

She had a great first day.  She's had a pretty good week too.  Today (day 4) was sort of rough....I ate lunch with her and she started crying because she didn't want me to leave.  Then I realized she felt a little warm and she had a low grade I went ahead and took her home, I could tell she did not feel well.

Tonight she is complaining of a sore throat, so I'm hoping she is not sick!

At any rate---here's some photos from the event!

I can't believe my girl is at SCHOOL!!!!! 

1 comment:

mustard seed said...

so cute! that's awesome that she gets to go to school with you!