Saturday, May 15, 2010

Not much happening...

Not much has been happening over at the Casa de Foshe.

Just hanging the house, because it's been SOOO rainy!

Several weeks ago BJ and my mom took the kids to a horse show in town.  Jordan had a blast! Hayden had fun too!

Jordan and I went to one of my friends weddings a couple weeks ago.  The reception was off the square. After the reception as Jordan and I were walking to the car she asked me if I had my camera with me.  I told her I had it in the car.  She asked me if we could take pictures.  It was almost dark, but I got a couple cute ones.  She was so funny.  When I asked her why she wanted me to take her picture, she replied "because, this is a great place for pictures, mom."  Oh how I've trained her well!!!

And here's a cute shot of Mr. H

During a short break in the rain last week, I RAN down to this spot I drive by everyday with J in her "rocker" outfit to take a few pics.  I think they turned out cute.  I've got to get a shoot with H---he is just nearly impossible to catch, ha!  I have not trained him as well!

We're just here, trying to dry out! I'm hoping the kids can get back to playing outside soon!
Hope you are all doing great!


Brittney said...

I LOVE the rocker girl pics. She's gorgeous!

Oh and just an FYI, I saw on the news that there are several "blogs" where pedophiles are posting photos that they've hacked off of public blogs. I'm not usually paranoid, but it really scared me!

Rita said...

cute pics!

The "W" Family said...

Love, love the pictures of your kids. Nice to have kids AND be a photog!

Suz said...

Oh my goodness, you totally have got the girl trained!!! I love that she is telling you good places to take pics now!!!

Jessica said...

I love your new header!