My little teeny tiny baby brother is turning 13 today!
I can't even believe it! I feel so old these days!!
I changed this boys diapers, cuddled with him as a toddler at bedtime, played endless games with him, chased him around the yard, taught him numbers and letters, drove him to elementary school, threw many a balls for him to catch or hit, dressed him up for pictures, and watched him hold my precious babies when they were born!
He's turning into such a man. Before we know it he'll be driving...ahhh!
Kyle, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. This year marks the begining of your teenage years. At times you will feel like these are the best years of your life...but I assure you...they are going to be filled with trials, tests, and yes, lots of fun.
I hope that you will stay true to yourself and the goals you have for your future. I hope that you continue to grow into a Godly man and that you always strive to follow God's will for your life.
There will be times when you'll do things you know you shouldn't...just because you can or because your friends are doing them. I don't neccessarily hope that you don't do these things, but I do hope that you learn from these situations and remember them.
There will be times when you are disappointed in yourself. Learn from these times also.
And there WILL be times when you think your parents are aliens and they cannot possibly understand what it's like to be a teenager these days. I know you won't realize it until several years later, but they are not aliens and they do know a thing or two...and it will benefit you to at least pretend that they are right once in a while. I hope you know how lucky you are to have those specific people as your parents. Don't hesitate to call on them if you get yourself into a situation you need out of. They'll be cooler than you think they will.
But if you don't think you can do that, please call your big sister!
God is going to do great things in you Kyle.
I love you!
Happy Birthday!

Good grief, B...you made your momma do the "ugly squall" thing at work. Kyle may not fully appreciate this right now, but I know he will. God couldn't have picked a better big sister for him. Love you so much.
I wish I had a bigger sister to leave me these thought provoking words of wisdom when I turned 13. Kyle is lucky to have you.
And I deleted the previous post because of a huge typo, not because I don't like you. :P
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