Saturday, February 24, 2007


If you have been reading my blog from the begining, you know that I have a hard time coming up with things to write about, mostly because my life is uneventful. My work consumes a lot of my life but because of its nature, I am unable to talk much about it. But I will say that this week was especially hard and stressful. We have been extremely busy this week...which is sad when you think about it. I don't think I was home before 7 or 8 all week. We have had some really bad cases lately, you've probably heard about a couple in the sad.

My job is hard for many reasons, but mostly because it is a constant reminder of the evil in our world. It still amazes me what people are capable of doing to another person. I have a thick skin, and usually I am able to leave work at work and I tend to be able to handle my work well when it doesn't spill over into my personal life. This week it spilled over a lot. Every where I went and saw someone I knew they were asking about the bad case that was on the news. When you are close to these cases and you have seen things and know intimate details, it makes it hard when someone asks you "how are those kids." I must have been asked this 5-10 times over the last weekend and then on Sunday my pastor used child abuse as an illustration in his message. It was like there was no line between work and my personal life. So that was how my week started...not good to begin with. Then the cases came rolling in and then we are dealing with some inner departmental issues and that is a huge stressor.

Anyway, I became so frustrated at one point, I was searching the classifieds. I came to my senses the next day though. I love what I do. I am PROUD of what I do. When I was in college and chose Social Work as a major, this is what I had in mind. Some days I think I might want to do something else, but when it comes right down to it, I can't imagine myself doing anything else. It is a good feeling to know I am doing what I always wanted to do, but it doesn't make the work itself any easier. Unfortunately.

So the moral of this story is: work sucks. I wonder if Jordan will grow up hating me because I work a lot. At least when I do work late or am on call she is with her daddy, not at a babysitters, that's a plus! By the way I am on call this weekend and next week. Which also sucks, because I can't make any plans. Just have to sit by the phone and hope that it doesn't ring. So far, it hasn't. Knock on wood. (She has grown so much!) Ok, that's all for now. Sorry to be so depressing and boring. I think I might go to bed. G'night.


Josh and Margo said...

I can't imagine having your job, but you are there for a reason. I respect you so much for what you do. Keep up the good work, even when it is tough.

JoAnna said...

You really carry such a burden for the families that you work for. You are amazing at what you do.. and it is needed. Thank you for doing it. We are told to share one another's burdens and cast our cares and anxiety on Christ because He cares for us. I was just reminded of that yesterday. Thanks for stopping in last week and for all the caring and concern. You are awesome. I love you!

Anonymous said...

As a teacher, I understand how hard it is to look evil in the face and feel the pressure to "fix" the world. Remember, you are only one person, and God has given to you what He knows you can handle. What a compliment from our Heavenly Father to know that you are capable and able to handle what would make others crumble and quit! You are an amazing work of art, hand-crafted by the creator himself- I am proud of you!

Anonymous said...

this job is why my son and his wife are separated---

B said...

To anonymous,
I don't know who you are or who your son or daughter in law are. I also don't know whose job you were referring to. But I seriously doubt that the job is the only reason for their marital problems. I also don't know why you felt compelled to type that comment and not sign you name. I love my job and my husband is very supportive and proud of what I do. I also have good boundaries and I do not allow work to consume me, as I know some can. I hope that you will sign your name the next time you comment on my blog.