Saturday, July 30, 2011

Coming to an end....

If you can't tell by my lack of posting, we've been having a GREAT summer!!  Sadly, its coming to an end.  We've got 2 weeks and then its back to school! 

But I'm excited for school to start back, it will be my first start to the school year at my school, Jordan gets to go with me and BJ is begining a new part of his education and I'm excited for all of us.

Hayden? Well, he gets to have his Grandma ALL to himself!! Which I know he will enjoy.  I know he'll miss Jordan and it will take some getting used to, but I think he'll really love not having to compete for his Grandma's attention! :-)

So, I thought I'd better get caught up on our summer---we didn't do all the things on our list, but we still had a wonderful time and I'm looking forward to MANY more summers with my family!! God is SO good!

I know you're SHOCKED, but we've been doing MORE swimming!!  Jordan had 2 weeks of Swim lessons in mid June and she's halfway through another 2 week session right now.  She has done SOO good with the lessons and hasn't used her arm floaties at all since she had her first lesson.  She adores swimming and I'm so glad she is learning early.  I can't wait for Hayden to do lessons next year!! He will love them too!

Jordan at the end of her level 1 class with her teacher!

We love it when we get to swim with our friends!!

BJ took the kids to the 4th of July parade for the Rodeo and they had a blast!! I had J pose for some pictures before they left---seriously worried about her when she gets to be a teenager! :)

they always love the parade!!

We've had fun, more updates later!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Have I told you lately that I love you? : ) I love your updates.. they mean so much more to me now that I live, oh, 1000 miles away.: ) Can't wait to see you either sweet girl!