I am happy to say that the Foshe Family made it to the other side. We did loose power, as I suspected we would...however, I had no idea it would be as bad as it was. Hundreds of thousands of people were without power for a week, and some are STILL without. Ours went out Tuesday morning and was restored late Friday afternoon. I've never been so happy to have electricity!!
Honestly, we had it better than most. We have a gas fireplace insert in our den that heats really well and we just shut all the bedrooms in the back of the house and lived in our den, living room and kitchen. Our cookstove is gas so we were able to cook hot food and our hot water heat is gas as well, so we had hot showers. Honestly, we just didn't have light. Which I know not everyone was/is as lucky.
BJ's parents and brother were some of the ones who weren't so lucky...their house is entirely electric. They toughed it out the first night and after that decided to come crash with us! So we had a house full, but it was fun and Jordan and Hayden got some good grandma and grandpa lovin! Not that they are starving for that or anything ;-)
They finally got power back Saturday morning and were happy, I'm sure to be able to sleep in their own beds. Every night we pulled the matresses out of the bedrooms to sleep in the living room and den where it was warm. It worked out pretty good, but there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed!
Here's a couple photos of our yard, early on...we lost more limbs than this, but we never took pictures after this.
Jordan's little bench got broken from a limb and our fence got bent pretty good, but that's about it...nothing too major!

I've had pictures of the kids to post for a while now, just haven't gotten aroudn to it, so here's some of the latest shots of my kiddos...
This picture is just to show you J's hair....it's gotten SO long and it is just a big mess of curls that I usually plop up on her head!!!

I just LOVE this little onsie!! My sweet friend Nicole got it for Hayden, along with another one that has an H on the front..precious!!

the best part.....cute, right?!

I have more, but I'll save them for another day ;-). I have noticed I don't take as many pictures of Jordan lately....probably because she is too busy to stop and smile for me and H is just happy to lay there and let me click away! :) for now....
I hope you are all warm by now and have your lives back to normal! Have a great week!!!
I just found out BJ doesn't have to work tomorrow because the school he works at still doesn't have power...and they think they'll be out Tuesday as well! Goodness!!!
Glad you made it through with out too much damage! Your kids are too stinking cute!!! Have a great week!
We should get the boys together and take their pictures in their matching onesies!!!! (While they can still squeeze their chubby booties into them!! Ha!)
Let me know if you need help with any of your trees/branches. I have a chainsaw and can cut them up.
Still no power. The latest estimate we heard was maybe by mid-February.
I'm happy to hear y'all made it through. It is lucky y'all had all that gas, instead of electric. Cute pictures of the kids!
Glad you made it through! Hayden is so adorable in his "Foshe Hogs" onsie!!
I am glad you guys are okay. Your kids are oh so adorable!
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