Friday, August 06, 2010

Fun Stuff!

We have been busy and having lots of fun this summer!! Sadly, "summer" is now over--for us.  BJ's school that he works for started back yesturday.  While its STILL very hot--the summer break is over.  I'm not gonna lie, I'm really ready for cooler weather!

But we've been having fun.  We've been doing  A LOT of swimming!! I'm so behind on blogging, it's unreal-so this is my attempt to catch up!

About a month ago we went to our bi-annual reunion.  We traveled to Hot Springs and spent four days with BJ's family--about 100+ of them! It was fun! It was hot, but it was fun! We rented a tiny little cabin, with beds only, but it had a window air conditioner and it was nice to be able to sleep in a cool place.  Hayden did great in his pack n play-we didn't think we could tent camp with him!  Jordan slept on the top bunk the first night and seemed to love it, but the other nights she decided she wanted to sleep on the bottom or with us :)  They both did great though!

We went to Magic Springs with Jordan one day, but this was before I had my handy dandy water proof camera, so I took no pictures :-( but J had a great time and even went down the kiddie water slides!

We did a lot of bike riding around the campgrounds and Jordan loved that.  We took all our bikes and the trailer and I was really glad we did!

Jordan is still in gymnastics! She still likes it, but I think she might be getting bored--she's more advanced than many of the kids in her class and I think she is just getting tired of doing the same things over and over again...but we are looking over some options.  But she does really well!

Something else we have been doing a lot of is skating.  I have taken Jordan skating every weekend for the past 3 weeks and I'm sure we will go again this weekend. She LOVES to skate!!!  Its pretty nice for me too, because she just skates by herself...I did skate with her one time, but those skates just hurt my feet these days! ha!  She loves it!

We got the opportunity to attend a Naturals game in a nice luxery box! It was fun and the kids had fun!

I hope everyone is staying cool! I'm sad summer break is over, but I am looking forward to Fall bike rides, changing leaves and eating outside!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures!! It is really hot here also.