Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easter Weekend!

We had a great, but jam packed Easter weekend!

My friend Claudia came up with her daughter Jaycee to visit us and spend the weekend!  It had been about a year since we had seen each other so it was good to catch up and let the girls play!

On Friday night we let the girls color was a lot of fun! I have always LOVED coloring eggs!  Last year J really enjoyed it, but her attention span was a little shorter than it is this year, so she was able to get even more into it this year!  It was a lot of fun!! Jaycee really had fun too, they were in heaven!! They wanted to color even more eggs!

We planned a trip to the zoo on Saturday and it was the most beautiful day to go to the zoo!! We had gone last summer in the DEAD of heat and it was not as much fun.  It was nice to go and not sweat to death, ha!

We took Claudia's vehicle and it is decked out with this awesome entertainment system...and the kids really liked it!! It was nice to have them watch a movie on the drive to Tulsa!!

On Sunday we went to church, and dinner at the G'rents with the family and then Claudia and Jaycee headed home.  It was a really fun weekend!  However, my children were not in the mood for pictures in their Easter outfits, but they sure were cute!!!  We went kind of overboard on their baskets, but they loved them!! I know J doesn't have clothes on in these pictures, but they were too cute, so I wanted a record of them! I'm pretty sure that no one is still reading this, so it's really just my scrapbook anyway :)

That night Jordan and Hayden planted flower pots with Grandma D.  Jordan loved it and the flowers have started to come up, J is super excited! I need to take a new picture of their progress!

So, I know this was a super long post, but I wanted to have it all recorded for us.  I am going to make a book of the blog "someday" and I want things to be recorded.  I think it will be so neat for the kids to look at then they're older (and us too) and see what we did when they were little!  Plus, I have NO MEMORY at all, so it helps me to remember how they were at certain ages. 

If you happen to still be reading, I hope you are all doing great and I hope you had a wonderful Easter!


Christy said...

I'm still reading! ;)

Jessica said...

I'm still reading, too! : ) Loved the update. I need to motivate myself to update our page as well.