We haven't done much since the weather cleared up and we went back to our normal working schedule.
We've just been working and coming home and playing. We had a couple of really nice days where the kids got to play outside and that was nice. But now it's yucky again. I heard last night we might get some more "winter weather" soon.
I'm ready for summer.
Jordan and Hayden are doing great and are playing really well together for the most part. Jordan is excelling in gymnastics! She is doing really great. I hope she continues to enjoy it. It'll be fun if she does and when she's older, to watch her at competitions!
Hayden is as cute as ever. He's still not talking a lot. I'm not really worried yet, but I'm starting to get a tad bit concerned. I know boys tend to do a lot of things later than girls, so I'm trying not to worry just yet.
I wanted to ask you moms of boys--when did they talk? Do you have a girl to compare their speech to? I just read back on the blog to see what J was saying at this time and she was saying A LOT of words. Hayden says 1-2 words....mama and sometimes he will say "bye bye." I think he has started to try to say "blue" and "ball" but only makes the "b" sound really clearly. He's 15 months old.
He does understand what I say to him though, even if I don't gesture...so I know he can hear me. At least I'm pretty sure he can hear me.
He is doing everything else he is supposed to be doing. He loves to play with the kitchen stuff, he loves his balls, his cars and he loves books! He does jabber a whole lot--
Anyway, both kids have been pretty healthy this year which is really great. Jordan loves to draw, paint, color, anything along those lines. She really loves art. Hayden has taken an interest as well, but he mostly just gets on her nerves by taking her markers, or crayons, lol.
Jordan's favorite show is still Little Bear...she LOVES it. Hayden loves Blues Clues and Yo Gabba Gabba. I can't stand Gabba, but for some reason he does like it.
Jordan is really into music right now too, she has lots of instruments and microphones and plays and sings all the time. Hayden gets in on it too and will play the drum or tamborine and they have a good time!!
We haven't gone anywhere lately or done much other than hang out at home.
I've opened my photo calendar so I'll be busy with that soon, I only have 1 date in March and April left...so it's gonna be fun! I'm excited to get back to it.
BJ started back to school. He's got just a couple classes left before he starts his Educational program, this Fall. I'm so ready!! I think he'll really start to enjoy school when he begins that program!
So we're just hanging out these days!
I haven't taken any pictures of the kids lately, I've been so bad!
But here's some older ones from the November/December time.
Hope everyone is doing great!!
Be Blessed!!!
I would definitely wait until closer to 2 before you start to worry about his speech. I'm sure he's perfectly fine, and I can tell you from experience that they won't do much until after 2 (as far as putting him in therapy, etc). I know it's so hard not to compare them though b/c I definitely find myself doing it and I feel very guilty!
Deacon is 20 months and he is just now starting to add more words. He would say "mama" and "dada" and every once in a while say "bye". Just in the last week or so he started saying "sissy" "cheese" and "juice". But like Hayden, he jabbers ALL the time and totally understands everything I say to him. I can give him directions to do something and he will follow them but just doesn't talk much. I think it might just be a boy thing!!
SOO glad you posted on this. I'm dying to hear what other "boy" moms have to say. You know HW is only saying "momma" and "bye" also. He does animal sounds, but do the ped.'s consider those to be real words? Harbor is not much on babbling at all. He is really quiet naturally. Even when he plays, he is pretty laidback and quiet. Maybe this is a blessing? Ha, ha!
Roman is 2 1/2 and is just now started to talk a lot. Don't worry about it. From a nursing standpoint it sounds like Hayden is right on target developmentally. He has a sissy that talks for him...ha and girls often are quicker than boys to start talking (that doesn't surprise me, we have so much to say ; ))No worries!!!
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