Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dirty....but Cute!!

I am a firm believer in letting kids be kids. And that means they get dirty! I don't usually let her stay dirty for very long, but she'd been playing around the house on this evening eating something messy--so there ya have it... My dirty, but stinkin adorable child!

Don't mind the little red bumps all over her body, she was having an allergic reaction to her allegery medicine (ironic uh?!), and we hadn't figured it out yet. But we have now, and so the poor girl can't breathe for the congestion and running nose that she alternates between. On to yet another medicine to see if it works with no nasty side effects! Why couldn't she just have gotten his dimples ;-)

1 comment:

Brittney said...

I LOVE the red bow in her hair. Red is definitely a good color for her.