Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Food Journal

1c. smart start 3pts
1/2 2% milk 1pt

Lean Cuisine Panini 7pts
green beans .5pts
Strawberrys 1pt
100 calorie hostess 1pt

WW Choc muffin 3pts

Garden burger w/ 2% cheese on bread 3pts
15 baked lays 2pts
6 french fries 1.5 pts

It's 7:00pm and my total is 23 POINTS.

I'll probably have a 1 or 2 point snack before the night is over. So let's call it 25 points :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read yours every now and then too.:) there is a thing called sparkpeople.com that i am doing. i joined ww but then quit going to the mtgs. b.c it got kind of expensive. but this has articles, you record your weight progress, exercise, food, ect. and it is a great way to hold me accountable. i am doing it with a group from haven's school...so far it has helped me stay accountable. since joining ww after having harbin, i've lost about 30 pounds and i have about 20 to go!!:) but i know it works and i like it b.c i can eat what i want within reason.:)
good to 'meet' you and thanks for the comment.