Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reindeer Craft

BJ brought home this SUPER cute craft from school--being in a kindergarten room sure has its perks when you're kids are 2 and 4!

The kids colored the reindeer face and then we cut it out and glued it to a bigger sheet of paper, BJ painted their hands and those were the antlers and then we glitered the big red nose--SO cute!!

They had so much fun and were so proud of them too!!

I LOVE Christmas crafts!!!

Getting her hand painted!

Coloring his reindeer! He did good!!

ahhh, brown hand!!

placing the antlers!

its so fun having your hands smeared in paint!

dirty cheese face!!

I love this sweet boy!!

he LOVED this part!!!

such a cute little handprint!!

sometimes he really gets into the "cheeses"

SOOO proud of their creations!!!

He was in heaven!

So was she!!
 I love doing Christmas crafts with the kids---we made some really cute things for the grandparents that I'll post later--and tomorrow we plan to make red and green macaroni necklaces! FUN!!! (by the way, can you tell I'm loving my time off work!!)


Jessica said...

You are such a good momma to get all that on camera! I love the updates- you are on a roll!!

Brittney said...

That is such a great idea! Brooklynn is obsessed with Rudolph, so I might just steal this! :)