Wow, it's almost Christmas.
Wow, it's almost 2010.
Wow, I'm helping plan my TEN year high school reunion.
So yah, I open my blog at least once a day. Mostly it serves as a bookmark for all of your blogs. I'm SO unmotivated to blog. I thought this would pass and I'd get a wave of desire for blogging again. It just hasn't happened yet. I miss it, I really do.
I'm going to try...I need to be documenting things better with Hayden. Poor 2nd child.
He's almost 14 months old, and a very busy little boy. I'm noticing the differences between boys and girls more and more with every passing day. Hayden doesn't talk much, not at all really. He says Mama, and he'll say Da Da when prompted. I think he tries to say Dog, but it's not real clear. And that is about it.
He has NO interest in learning animal sounds, body parts or anything else for that matter. He is FAR to busy climbing up and on top of anything and everything he can. He's quite a talented climber.
He is smart though and can understand things we tell him. I can tell him to go get that book and he'll go get it and he gives me things I ask him to give me. He just prefers not to talk, I guess. He points some. He loves to watch Blue's Clues. He loves his house shoes, and his sisters. He loves to "read" books and does this really cute excited gasp when a new page is turned!
He is wearing 18month clothes, wearing size 5 diapers and size 4 shoes, pretty sure he's about to move to size 5. He is a TOTAL mama's boy and grandma's boy. He hates being dropped off at the nursery at church and screams bloody murder for the first 5 minutes and then he's perfect.
He loves to throw balls. He throws them hard, and far. Just winds up his arm and chunks it!! He's very loving and LOVES to give kisses and hugs. He puckers up SOOO big to give kisses.
He also says and waves "bye bye" He'll wave "hi" too, but doesn't really say "hi" yet. On occasion he'll blow a kiss, but only if he feels like it.
He LOVES LOVES LOVES to play peek a boo he says a version of "BOO" and it's really cute.
He Loves his sister and they play really well together. He loves to chase her!
He hates Santa.
We went to see the lights, they had a good time!

The stud waiting in line to see Santa...he looked so cute. I think he would have done fine in Santa's lap if we hadn't had to wait so long, he got really restless and by the time we got up there, he was done!
I LOVE this boy!!!
SO--I'm gonna try harder to blog more regularly!!! I hope you are all having a wonderful Holiday Season and are enjoying warmth with your loved ones!!
I plan to share my Christmas Card next week, it's my favorite one yet!!!
LOVE the santa pic.
That Santa pic is so cute!!! WOW it has been 10 years since high school...where does the time go??
I missed "partying" with you tonight. Can't wait to get your card. Merry Christmas!
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