Thursday, December 04, 2008

Bad Mommy!

So, I've been TERRIBLE about taking pictures lately. Most of the time I'm just trying to get through the day, and taking a picture rarely cross my mind--that and I'm editing in every spare moment I have, as I have about 7 shoots to finish in about a weeks time!

When I feel like it's time for me to make a blog post, I get out the camera and take some. Except for today, because Hayden is sleeping and Jordan is occupied, so I'm not disturbing them with the camera. And I have a few I can share anyway.

So, Christmas is RIGHT AROUND the corner!! I cannot wait!! Jordan is really into it this year and it's going to be SO fun on Christmas morning to watch her take it all in! We finished the majority of our shopping the Friday before Hayden came, so that is a relief, we just have a couple more things to pickup, which we're doing tomorrow, and then we're going to visit Santa. Jordan talks about Santa, she calls him "Ho Ho." She talks about him bringing her presents and a BIKE...yah...anyway. So I've been telling her she is going to go see him and sit in his lap. She says she will, but I have a sneaking feeling it won't be that easy. We'll see. I will take pictures of that!

Hayden is coming out of his newborn-ness. He's staying awake more and becoming much more alert. He is a pretty easy going baby, but lately has begun to have a real fussy spell around 6-8pm every night. It is strange, but he is a baby!

I go back to work in 3 1/2 weeks. Ugh! In some ways I am ready and in others I wish I never had to go back again! I do miss my people, a lot and I'm thankful that in today's economy and state of things that I have job security.

Okay, so here's a few pictures to share--

(this was a shot I got during our "Christmas pictures shoot"--more of those later)

This is one of my mom's horse's....I took like a billion pictures of her while we were out visiting. This one just makes me smile...

This is Mema and Jordan and Brandon. They probably sat in her lap for 20 minutes while she read to made for super sweet picture that I will undoubtedly print and fame for her!

And this was a couple of days ago....we were in her room playing and she got in her dress up box and said she wanted her boots, her crown and her I grabbed the camera.

What I didn't get a picture of was yesturday....she wanted to go outside, it was around 9am. I thought it was cold outside so I told her no, that it was too cold. She was only wearing a diaper around the house at this moment. She proceeded to get her big poofy pink coat and her slippers on....nothing else...and said she was going outside. I told her no...and left the room for a second. I heard the door open and close...which she often does just opens and closes it without going out...but I knew she was wanting out so I walked back in to make sure she hadn't escaped...and she had. She was standing at the swing in nothing but house slippers, a diaper and her big poofy pink coat. It warranted a picture, but I was too worried about someone calling DHS on me to grab the camera, lol.
At any rate, I hope everyone is well--should have Santa pictures up soon!


Meredith said...

That horse picture cracks me up! The one reading the book is precious--she will definitely love it.

Tasha said...

She is just too cute!! I love the picture of the horse! I am done with Christmas Shopping for my husband's side of the family, but I haven't even started for my side.

Pegsy said...

You are not a bad mommy - don't even go there! That's like me saying I'm a bad mommy because I don't know how to take adorable, professional pictures of my kids like you do! :-) Enjoy the Christmas season!

Christy said...

Deacon had a fussy spell that time of night too, for a while. It would start wound 7 and last for about an hour or so. Sometimes he would get so mad he was inconsolable. I never did figure out what caused it, but after about 2 or 3 weeks he quit! Maybe it's a boy thing. :) Cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

Love the story of Jordan escaping, ha!!! I'm sure it wasn't too funny at the time, when they do there own thing & don't listern. But thanks for sharing your funny stories. Enjoy your time with your children before you have to go back to the jungle of the adult world.

Jessica said...

love the dress up pic!

the Pulleys said...

That last story was HILARIOUS! I see it in our future as well...ha, ha!