Just leave a comment on THIS post and I'll randomly select a winner on February 3rd!!
You can see some of my designs here:
If the winner is someone who has already received a bloggy design from me, you will receive a coupon for a total bloggy design to be used when you get tired of your current design. Because we all know, changin' it up never hurt!!

Thank you!!
**PLEASE NOTE: I am not set up to do TYPEPAD designs. At this time I am only doing BLOGSPOT designs. Sorry for the inconvience!
Yeah!! I'm glad you are doing the carnival too! Count me in, sweetheart! : )
I don't have a blog, but I want a Brandy special design giveaway ...do I qualify?
karen blackstone
Im ready for a change even if I dont win. Please enter me!
Im having a giveway at Random Thoughts too! Hope you will come and enter. I cant wait to visit all my commenters after this is over!
I'd love to win this! Count me in please.
Count me in - I like the headers you've designed!
Ok, I have been thinking about having you make one for me. I've been admiring Brittney's, Jessica's, and Amy's ever since they were done!
I love em!
Even if I don't win, I'd love to have you make one for me!
I would love to have a unique blog look instead of the regular old format :) Thanks!
I could really use a makeover. Please enter me!
WOW- your designs are ace. please count me in :)
Awesome I would LOVE this!! You do a beautiful job, thanks.
JOYfully in Him,
Thanks so much for doing this!
A gorgeous header would make me wittier, funnier and more entertaining. Or at least would convince people to stay before clicking onto the next site!
This would be great! Count me in!
Count me in Brandy! :)
Too, too cool! I loved looking around your blog. Thank you for your great offer!
Great designs! Count me in!
That would be awesome!! I could use a change!!
I really want a new design, and I'm just not sure I can convince Husband to pay for it! Your designs are very fun.
I would love a bloggy makeover! Thanks! AllisonLHardin@gmail.com
I would love to win this as I am just trying to start up a blog.
njones127 at tampabay dot rr dot com
I have the most boring blog in the whole wide world!!
Oh cool. swilliams@littlerock.org
I could use an updated look for my blog. You do beautiful work.
Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win a blog makeover! Right now mine is just what they give you from Blogger which isn't much!
My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thanks again!
Hey I am up for anything free! And by the way thanks to your inspiration I have decided to take on digital scapbooking and I am having a ball! I have been loving every minute of it!
What a GREAT giveaway!! I don't know if you can do wordpress, but I could use some freshening up around my blog! You do beautiful work! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Oh, this would be great and much-needed. =)
I need this. Please sign me up. My blog is so blah.
Enter me!
PLEASE pick me! I need something new desperately!
Woo hoo! Please count me in, I need heeeeeelp!:)
They are just so cute! Please add me in!
so cool! i would be honored!
Oh, oh, me, me,me! Pick me! Haha. Count me it!
I haven't gotten around to teaching myself to make a custom blog design. I'm not sure if I can with the programs I have. So, I'd love one made for me.
Wow, 35 comments and counting!! :) You're quite the popular woman. Count me in!
I need a blog design so badly!
I just got a new design for my blog that I love. But I would like to enter to win this one as a surprise for my 19 year old dd for her blog. She needs one that is unique as she is.
Count me in please.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.
Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings
email is in my profile or you can contact me via the contact form on my blog.
how nice!
I'm entering. I love your designs!
GREAT giveaway! I hope I’m the lucky winner :)
I very much need a new design! Please enter me into your contest and I'll keep my fingers crossed. :) Thanks!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway :)
I really could use a unique design! Thanks for the giveaway.
Your work is really nice. Thanks.
Great prize! Your work is totally awesome!! Count me in! :o)
Have a fabulous day!
I would love to be entered! I am in desperate need of a makeover!
I would love to win this for my book blog. Please enter me and thank you.
I would love to win a blog makeover! Count me in!
Awesome! Count me in!
bvenave at yahoo dot com
Please enter me:-)
Gina in AZ
Hope I win! Cool!!! Thanks!
My blog could definitely use som ehelp!
What a great giveaway! Count me in please. Thanks a bunch.
Ooooh me me me!! I would love this!
Oh yeah. This is my favorite. I am a little behind on the whole blog thing and I just signed up to have one. This would be perfect. thanks
I need a fresh just made for me design. Thanks
Great giveaway!!
Count me in :o)
Wow, I could REALLY use this. Your blog is so cute!
It would be fun to redesign my blog. Thanks
I love your designs, please count me in!
This would be very nice! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I am just starting to blog and this would be so welcome! Thanks for the giveaway!
I could really use a blog overhaul! Thank you for having this contest!
Count me in! I love my header, but I need a cute background to go with it (mine is kind of making me dizzy!). Did you do Amy's new layout? If so, great job--it's adorable!!!
Oh, please! Pick me! Pick me!
I could really use a blog redesign!
Would love an original design. fun. :)
My blog could use a makeover! :)
Count me in! I really need a new design, the generic templates are just not cutting it anymore! Great give away.
I'd love a new design for my blogspot...thanks!
Ooh! I love your work! I'd like to enter. :)
I desperately need a blog makeover. I'm very blog-UNsavvy!
Thanks for the chance!
OMG! This is a wonderful giveaway! I really need a makeover (in all areas!) and would love your help! You have great designs and that is what my wee little blog needs to feel all grown up! Thanks!!!
Please enter me! I would love to have someone who knows what they're doing change up my look! Thank you for giving away such a nice prize. :)
Pick me, pick me...Please!
OH! My blog NEEDS help!
Not sure if your designs would work on Wordpress, but, hey...we'll see!
If you chose me, I promise to be very easy to please!!! I am so in NEED of help!!
Oh wow! I love your blog and love the creativity and awesomeness of your giveaway!
I so need this blog design badly and hope and pray I win as I have always wanted a profesional look!
please count me in!
thank you so much!!!!
Would love to win a blog design. Thanks for hosting this!
Your blog designs are beautiful! Thanks for a great giveaway.
Wonderful designs! Thanks for the great giveaway!
LOL I just got one recently but I must sign anyways! yay! ! :)
Oh please enter my name. I have wanted this for so long, but have no clue! Thank you!
We're interested.
I so need a new design for my blog! Thanks!
I've got a new blog that sure could use a redesign!
Pick me. I need this!!
my blog looks so generic!! thanks!
This would be awesome. Count me in.
Oh,I could use this. My blog is very boring looking.
I'd love to win, so please count me in! Thanks for the chance. Have a great Friday!
Jennifer :-)
Pick me please!
Thanks so much!
I'm desperate...please...help.
I'd love to use this for a new blog I'm thinking of starting! Thanks for the chance! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I am in desperate need of a makeover! And so is my blog!! :)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Your designs are cute! Thanks for entering me!
Please count me in!
I just took a peek at some of your designs, and they're great! Please count me in!
Wow, you have some great designs! Sign me up! ;-)
Stop on by, I have a little giveaway too!
you'd laugh yourself to death if you saw my blog...LOL...I have no clue what I'm doing. I'd love to win this.
I would love a custom blog design! My current one is a freebie...
What a great giveaway! I'd love to participate!
OOOOOOOOOH! You are so talented!! My blog would love you forEVER! HisKids37@sbcglobal.net
My blogspot craft blog is sad and is in need of a creatice makeover.
taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win this!
Man, my blog is DYING for a makeover. I'm not nearly as boring as my blog is.
yey, count me in please!!
I'd like to spruce my blog up a bit! Thanks for the giveaway!
My blogs are oh-so-boring. I'd love to win! Thanks!
My blog could use this for sure! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Please count me in!!
A new bloggy look for a new year - how wonderful! thanks!
Just what I need! This would be wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful giveaway!
I'm still using the boring blogger templates...would love to win this!
Yay! I need some serious help on my blog. I call it my BLAHG because it's so blah!
You designs look great.
Oooo, I would love to win this for a friend that doesn't have a blog yet. Count me in too! Thanks!
Yay, what a super-fun giveaway! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us!
oh wow! i'd love to win this one! i just setup our wedding blog and i badly need a soft romantic theme to go with it. hope i win this one! *cross fingers* thanks so much! =)
Lovely gift! Please enter me.
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