Sunday, September 02, 2007

11 months...

Jordan is 11 months old today. I can't even believe that in ONE month she will turn a year old. Where has the time gone? Sometimes it's hard for me to imagine being pregnant, because that either seems like it was an eternity ago or that it never really happened. Like she has just always been here. Does that make senese? Probably not.

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about her lately, probably because I was away from her for what seemed like a whole year. When I returned it made the time with her sweeter. Not that it wasn't sweet before, but it made me realize just how sweet it really is. She's doing the most adorable and smart things these days. You can ask her where her nose and her eye are and she will show you. She points to everything. She has this huge bouncy ball that is as big as she is that she carries all over the house and it can be at the opposite end of the house, no where in her sight and you can tell her to "go get her big ball" and she will go get it and bring it back. Genius, I know. She can do a flip. Her daddy, the gymnastics and cheerleader instructor taught her how to do a flip. I've been trying to get a video of it to blog, but have not been successful yet, she's camera shy. She puts her little head down on the carpet when we say "do a flip." We help her over, but it is the MOST adorable thing I have EVER seen! Yes, I am partial.

She frequently shakes her head "no" even though I don't think she fully understands what it means yet. She is just adorable, there is simply no other way to put it. Her hair is getting really long in the back and really starting to curl a lot! I hope they stay! We are gradually moving off of formula, praise Jesus! A gallon of milk is far less expensive than a can of formula! She is doing good with milk so far. She almost completely off baby food, as she has 6 full teeth and has for several months now. Pretty sure she's trying to get some back teeth too. Anyway, she LOVES mac n' cheese, mashed potatoes and pinneapples. Just to name a few. She feeds herself really well, with her hands of course. She's starting to learn how to use a spoon, which is fun. She does this "mean look," which I posted before. She does it on cue now, it's pretty funny. She can be laughing hysterically and you say "Jordan, do the mean look," and she'll go from laughing to the mean look, then back to laughing. Anyway, essentially, she is the smartest, cutest, most wonderful baby there ever was! :-)


Jessica said...

What a sweet, touching post. God has entrusted you with His daughter, and you have done a fabulous job taking care of her. She is a very lucky little girl to have so many people in her life who love her as much as they do. I agree with everything you said, but that is because I am partial as well! : )

Jessica said...

P.S. We just got back from Wal Mart!!!! : )

The Hickmans said...

I can relate to everything you said in your post. You seem like such a sweet mom; it sounds like Jordan is a very blessed little girl! I looked at all of her pictures (fair, sunglasses, etc.) and she is just adorable!