Jordan has her 2 week checkup for her tubes tomorrow...so that will give me a peace of mind!
This is my 100th post! My blog-o-versary is in a few days, one year. Hard to believe. I blog more these days than I did at first. Not sure why...but I have gotten really addicted to it!
In other news, I've decided to enter 2 photographs in the Washington County Fair. One color and one black and white. I'm excited. It's something I have wanted to do since I was in junior high and have just never really followed through with it. This year I am. There's no extravagant prize, and I really don't care if I win anything, I just want to enter them....just one of those things ya know?!
Week after next (the 26th) I leave for Atlantic City. On one hand I am super excited, but on the other I am really dreading having to leave Jordan for 4 whole days (Sun-Thurs). I am attending a conference there, for work. I'm excited about the conference and I'm excited about Atlantic City, I've never been. I've never gambled and I want to play a couple slot machines, so that should be fun.
Our wedding anniversary is next week and we were planning to go away for a weekend, but since I'll be gone for so many days the following week, we decided to wait and go in September...just space the time away from Jordan out. We are going to go out one evening and let Jordan stay the night with her g'parents, so we can stay out later than usual. This will be her first night away from mom and dad....and mom and dad's first night away from her! We'll probably try this Saturday night.
Ok, well it's late and I have an early morning tomorrow.....work is very very busy. Thanks for reading my boring life updates :)
You are not boring- reading your blog adds some excitement to my day!
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